Trends, healthspan, & my dating profile

Greetings from New Orleans, 

I live in a perpetual state of knowing I could die tomorrow, but simultaneously knowing I could live past 100. 

As James Dean said (and the one piece of artwork I’ve had for years), “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” 

Let’s boogie. 

👨‍⚕️ Lifespan vs Healthspan

Trends, healthspan, & my dating profile

Peter Attia is one of the smartest minds in the science of longevity. 

His 3-part framework on lifespan vs healthspan is profound yet simple. 

  1. Increase lifespan (# of years lived)

  2. Increase healthspan (quality of life)

  3. Decrease morbidity (suffering from illness)

The third one is key. When you stop and think about it (actually think about it), number three is brutal on all parties. The suffering person (obvi) AND the family. 

Consider which levers you can pull (exercise, diet, supplements, etc) to cover your bases. 

🤖 Future Trends

Trends, healthspan, & my dating profile

Love these 10 thoughts on future trends. 

Number 8 is my favorite. 

đź’™ Finding Love

Trends, healthspan, & my dating profile

I downloaded Hinge again and just updated my profile. (Mom, Hinge is a dating app the kids use these days. Some for hookups, others for marriage. It’s crazy I know, but I’m in the latter group.)

In honor of radical transparency, I’m sharing the image of my latest profile update. 

Partially because I think it’s funny, but mainly to share a lesson.  

My goal with this newsletter is to give each of you tiny nuggets from what I’m learning — to implement directly into your life. 

So regardless of marital (or Hinge) status, here’s the framework behind the update. 

A happy life to me, is optimizing for:

  • Fun - Growing up I was a goofball. (Spoiler: I still am.) I don’t want to forget this.

  • Action - I had an idea I thought would be funny, so I just did it. No overthinking.

  • Transparency - I want to be myself wherever I am (work, dates, friends).  

What are YOU optimizing for in life?  Bonus points if you turn it into a fun acronym that’s easy to remember (like FAT). 

Have a FAT week,  
