🌱 Creating 11-star experiences (life and work)

Learn: Perception mirror, 11-star experience, emotion vs logic

Read: 3 mins

Greetings from Austin,

Here are three quick nuggets to improve your week.

🪞 Perception = Reflection 

Saw this quote recently that’s been stuck in my head, “Your perception of me, is a reflection of you.”

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, believed we all have a 'shadow self' – parts of our personality we deny or repress. When these traits appear in others, they can prompt strong reactions. Jung said:

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

Experiment: try just noticing irritations or judgments that pop up this week.

11-Star Experience

Airbnb’s CEO and founder, Brian Chesky, has a famous framework called the 11-Star Experience.

It starts with the user experience and stretches to extremes in both directions. What would the worst (1-star) vs. the most magical (11-star) experience look like? 

Chesky describes, “If you want to build something that’s truly viral, you have to create a total mindf**k experience that you tell everyone about.”

🌱 Creating 11-star experiences (life and work)

I love how this applies to work and life. It’s easy to get stuck in 5-star ceiling mode because we think those are the “rules.”

What would your 11-star experience look like? 

Article here.

🧠 Emotion vs Logic

Humans are funny, emotional creatures. 

OG author and salesperson Zig Ziglar said, “People buy on emotion and justify on logic.”

Simply put, logic makes people think. Emotion makes people act

Turns out this emotion stuff can be quite useful to understand. What emotions are driving your actions?

