Everyone should have a “now page”

Hey friends,

Here are 3 golden nuggets for you this week. 

I first heard Derek Sivers on a Tim Ferriss podcast from 2015. (One of my all-time fav episodes)

In addition to his book and epic blog posts — I’ve always loved his “now page” concept.

It's just a quick update of what he’s up to right now. 

He made his at sive.rs/now. Then several others did the same. In fact, there’s even nownownow.com aggregating a bunch of people’s "now pages"!  

This makes it SUPER easy to expedite connections with people.

Even if you don't have a blog, it's a useful exercise to clarify what you're most excited about.

Here’s mine: MitchellLandon.com/now 

Do you have a “now page”?

Reading a great book can change your life. 

But we’re all busy AF. 

Spending 10+ hours reading a book is an investment in precious time.

If only there was a way to find the most recommended books by people we actually TRUST...

It aggregates the best books recommended by top experts. 

Everyone should have a “now page”

I prefer the phrase “social capital” over “network”. 

But really, I just like making friends. 

Everyone should have a “now page”

Check it out here.

Much Love,
