🌱 Creative tactics


  • 🧵 New Threads

  • 🖌️ Creative Tactics

  • 👩‍🍳 Cooking Clarity

Read: 3 mins

Greetings from Playa del Carmen,

Here are your goodies for the week.

🧵 Threads

Facebook (Meta) released Threads this week and brought in 70M users in 48 hours. 

I started playing around there and think it might do well: 

🌱 Creative tactics

Most people (myself included) consume far more than they create. This app may be a great way to recalibrate that ratio (very low lift to create). Sure, maybe it flops after a few months when people get bored with the new shiny toy. But either way, fun to explore new mediums.

Also, shout out to the BSB for best first thread: 

🌱 Creative tactics

I’m going to test posting there for the month and July and see how it goes. 

Connect with me here and thank you for coming to my thread talk. 

🖌️ Creative Tactics

David Epstein is the author of Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (which I loved). 

He recently shared some useful creativity tactics:

  • Start with someone else’s stuff to get your own stuff going

  • Start somewhere bad to get somewhere good

  • Just have more ideas

These are all great, but especially the last one. That’s what is great about a writing habit. You should see this Google doc I’m writing this email in right now. Lots of bad ideas, but then a few good ones come out (I hope). 

👩‍🍳 Cooking Up Clarity

Marie Forleo says, “Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. We learn best not theoretically, but in action.”

To put it a different way, “thinking” is like walking in the kitchen. 

“Engaging” is like turning on the stove and starting to cook. 

I’ve never made an omelet by pacing in the kitchen. 

Con mucho gusto,
