🌱 Just 18 minutes a day?

Learn: 100-hour rule, new behaviors, Michael Jordan’s trainer 
Read: 3 mins

Greetings from Brazil, 

This is weekly email #75. Huge thanks to everyone who’s been following along and sharing your feedback. 

Here are your 3 brain boosters for the week. 

đź’Ż The 100-Hour Rule

The 10,000-hour rule says 10,000 hours of deliberate practice is required to become world-class (top 1%) in any field. 

The 100-hour rule says just 100 hours of deliberate practice in any discipline can get you in the top 5% percent.

Spread over a year, 100 hours is just 18 minutes a day. Not too shabby. 

But it’s not about being the best… As musician Jerry Garcia said, “You don’t want to be the best at what you do, you want to be the only one.”

Before you’re the only one, you first have to get good. Start with just 18 minutes a day

🧠 Key Definitions

Before you go create a daily calendar event for 18 minutes over the next 365 days…

It’s worth noting what learning really means. Per Alex Hormozi's definitions

  • Learning = when we behave differently the next time were in the same situation

  • Intelligence = how fast we learn (ie how quickly we can change our behavior in the same situation) 

Key implication is that in order to learn we must apply it. Then upon application, we must then change our behavior.

Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”

So in essence, it is insane to not start learning.

đź’Ş 3 Asks

Tim Grover was the trainer for Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwayne Wade, and many other NBA legends. 

In his book Relentless Tim describes the 3 things he asks of every player:

“I don’t care how much you can lift, how fast you can run, how many pull-ups you can do, or whether you can hit a three while blindfolded. There are only three things I ask of every client… Show up, work hard, and listen. That’s it. It requires no talent, no special genetics, or any skill whatsoever to show up, work hard, and listen.”

To tie it all together: 

  • Show up (maybe just 18 minutes a day)

  • Work hard (do the work)

  • Listen (learn) 

Mucho amor,


Ps. It’s 11:47pm Saturday and I have a throbbing headache. But still showing up baby.