🌱 The average # of laughs per day

Learn: Humor Cliff, New Podcast, Communication Framework 

Read: 3 mins

Greetings from Buenos Aires, 

Two wrongs never make a right. 

But three lefts do. 

This newsletter is your personal guide to figuring out what’s right for you. 

😀 Funny like a clown? 

This is no laughing matter. (literally)

Laughing releases dopamine, lowers cortisol, boosts endorphins, enhances mood, and much more. 

If it were sold in a bottle, it'd be a miracle drug. 

But when people start working (~age 23) they no longer smile or laugh frequently.

🌱 The average # of laughs per day

Even crazier, on average:

  • A 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day

  • A 40-year-old laughs 4 times a day

That's bonkers!

Add some "laugh time" to your daily routine to combat this treacherous cliff.

Twitter link here

🎧 New Episode

My friend Jordan Carroll is an author, coach, and creator who has been doing the digital nomad/entrepreneurship thing for years. 

We lived together in Colombia and Playa del Carmen for a bit earlier this year. Whenever we catch up now, we jam on new interesting things we’ve learned or tested.  

Except this time, we decided to press record to turn it into a fun podcast episode.

🌱 The average # of laughs per day

Jordan shares a version of the Non-Violent Communication (NVC) framework he uses for navigating conflict in his relationship as well as business.  

Quick breakdown:

  • Facts → start with a specific example 

  • Feelings → explain how it made you feel

  • Judgments → here’s a self-judgment that comes up due to this

  • Support Request → frame with a positive request for the future

We also talk about travel optimization, connecting with like-minded people, and much more!

Check out the episode here.

📈 Inputs 

In his 2009 Letter to Shareholders, Bezos said senior leaders new to Amazon were surprised at how little time they spent on actual financial results or debating projected financial outputs. 

“To be clear, we take these financial outputs seriously, but we believe that focusing our energy on the controllable inputs to our business is the most effective way to maximize financial outputs over time.”

Few highlights of inputs they tracked:

  • # of new product categories 

  • # of reviews added to Amazon products

  • # of different items available for immediate Prime shipping


Perfect the inputs and the outputs handle themselves. 

What are the inputs you're focusing on right now? (Hit reply and let me know)

Con much gusto, 

Mitchell aka “Miguel”

Ps. Career venn diagram