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- 🌱 No discipline = no problem
🌱 No discipline = no problem
Learn: Making impressions, discipline is fake, adding restrictions
Read: 3 mins
Greetings from Austin,
I've noticed the less time I spend on my phone, the better I feel.
So I want less consuming (aka phone time) and more making.
Here are three nuggets to help MAKE your week even better. :)
🤔 Making Impressions
The shortest path to burnout is trying to impress others.
The shortest path to fulfillment is trying to impress yourself.
As Morgan Housel says, “The most valuable personal finance asset is not needing to impress anyone.”
What’s one way you’ve impressed yourself this year? (Hit reply and tell me!)
☀️ Making Motivation
A friend told me she doesn't have the discipline to wake up early.
I recently changed my mind on what “discipline” means...
I realized discipline is an illusion. It’s not real.
Want to change a behavior? Forget discipline. Find motivation.
So it’s less the discipline of waking up early and more the motivation of getting to bed early. (Or any other core drivers toward the desired outcome.)
Real example: I tend to stay up late despite being obsessed with early mornings.
So I’ve been loving this Beam Sleep powder supplement that tastes like hot chocolate (but no sugar).
Even if the nootropic ingredients have zero effect on my sleep… making this concoction at night gets me EXCITED to wind down to go to bed early. Aka motivation.
(I scooped the Cinnamon Cocoa Melatonin-Free flavor, to limit building any melatonin tolerance.)
💡 Making Creativity
“The highest form of creativity is found by improvising within a set of restrictions.” – Christopher Nolan
What restrictions will you set for 2024?