Twitter is a helluva drug


Had a tweet go viral this week. 

One of the best messages to receive: 

šŸ¦ Viral Tweet

185,000 impressions is crazy. 

Sofi NFL stadium seats 70k. So thatā€™s 2.6 super bowl arenas of people. 

Many people at Google shared it, including a RT by the head of Google Chrome.

And a RT from the Director of Open Source.

Super fun, indeed. 

Great feedback is a gift. 

But bad feedback can be destructive to our work and confidence. 

So be specific when asking (and giving) feedback. 

Two types of feedback: 

  • Tactical - ā€œHereā€™s my goal and approach. What are the most impactful things I can do?ā€

  • Strategic - ā€œThinking about this goal, but is there a better goal Iā€™m missing?ā€

For more, check out Salmanā€™s article: How to Ask for Feedback

Salman was my mentor in a writing class last year and he has an amazing blog.

Iā€™m re-reading this book to make sure Iā€™m thinking big enough. 

I read it when I was 22, but havenā€™t picked it up since. Realizing how much of my thinking was shaped by books from years ago. Aka, things I believe deep down, but didnā€™t realize where they came from.

Anywho. It was originally published in 1959 and has stood the great test of time. 

Few favorite highlights: 

  • Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilize fear.

  • The ability to think is of much greater value than the ability to memorize facts. Use your mind to create and develop ideas, to find better ways to do things. Ask yourself, ā€œAm I using my mental ability to make history, or am I using it merely to record history made by others?ā€ 

Have a BIG week, 


Ps. Tactical feedback request: whatā€™s your favorite part about this newsletter?